April 28, 2023

Agriculture Minister Jose Mai congratulates Farmers of the Year at National Agric Show opening

“I am proud and honoured to address you this evening as we launch the 51st National Agriculture and Trade Show and welcome Belizeans from all walks [...]
April 28, 2023

Governor-General heads to King Charles’ coronation; no holiday here, says Minister

While the Governor-General is out of the country, Ambassador Stuart Leslie, Deputy Governor General, will assume her official duties.
April 28, 2023
Murder in Corozal

Police looking for two persons in Thursday night murder of Sylvian Swift

30-year-old Sylvian Swift and others were socializing around a quarter to eight when two men rode by on a motorcycle and one of them opened fire [...]
April 28, 2023

Teacher’s Union shocked at “worst fears” coming true, calls for more security at schools

As guardians of the education system, the Union calls the situation “nothing short of an attack on our most vulnerable” and confirming “parents’ worst fears” that [...]
April 27, 2023

Guilty plea of Jasmine Hartin ‘ruled by emotion, made in haste,’ but not taken back, says publicist

Publicist Louisa Chiaramonte says her client did not have time to consult with her hired Canadian Senior Counsel, Seth Weinstein, who told Channel 7 News that [...]
April 27, 2023

Government Lottery suspended after May 2

Following the final Boledo draw on Friday night, April 28 (Boledo is not played on weekends) and the final Sunday Lottery Jackpot Draw on April 30, [...]
April 27, 2023
Fort George peace wall mural

Fort George Peace Wall Mural completes U.S.-funded Community Hub program

The center piece of the program is the community hubs built in the Yabra area, George Street, Rocky Road/Jump Street and Majestic Alley which has had [...]
April 27, 2023

John Saldivar, former UDP Minister, speaks out on Brads Boledo license revocation – The Boledo Controversy

Saldivar recalls that when the proposal for privatizing Boledo was presented to the Cabinet after the UDP's 2008 victory, it seemed like an easy decision. Government [...]
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