March 13, 2023

Budget Speech: Minister of Finance hails stabilization of banking sector

Money supply expanded by 4.7 percent, with the Central Bank of Belize’s Gross Official Reserves at 960 million dollars at the close of 2022, and import [...]
March 12, 2023

Making sugar sweet again: Prime Minister sorts out roles of Commission of Inquiry, Ministerial Sub-Committee

But even though the appointment of Florencio Marin Sr as an advisor, mediation and direct negotiations to produce a new commercial agreement have failed, the P.M. [...]
March 12, 2023

Fuel prices still high – Prime Minister says GOB may keep absorbing increased costs

The Government has been criticized for maintaining for the most part and barely easing down fuel prices in order to recover lost tax revenue, but Prime [...]
March 12, 2023
climate change

Belize to participate in regional US$20 million biodiversity protection program through British High Commission

The MOU was signed on Friday, with Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management Orlando Habet signing on behalf of the Government of [...]
March 12, 2023

Prime Minister calls UDP claim about “COVID recovery” “embarrassing”

Leader of the Opposition Moses “Shyne” Barrow had earlier told reporters on the fringes of the National Assembly that the ruling party should not be “bragging” [...]
March 12, 2023

Ivan Williams is the UDP’s new standard bearer for Stann Creek West

Williams was selected by majority vote at a convention today held in Independence village, beating out Alberto Logan and Aldon Taher.
March 12, 2023

St Francis Xavier Credit Union directors say Central Bank not playing fair but reassures members

In a press release issued on Saturday, the Credit Union accused Governor Kareem Michael, acting as Registrar of Credit Unions, of deciding “to violate the rights [...]
March 12, 2023

UDP choosing standard bearer for Stann Creek west today

The UDP will be choosing the standard bearer for the Stann Creek West constituency from three candidates including Ivan Williams, Aldan Tasher, and Alberto Logan.
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