February 9, 2023

Where are answers for inflation and price gouging, unions ask?

As President Dean Flowers reminded during the Joint Unions’ press conference on Tuesday, “What concerns us also is the fact that fifty-two percent of our population [...]
February 9, 2023

Prime Minister on Chamber’s campaign finance proposal: “Will it work?”

During an interview on Wednesday, he gave a tentative thumbs-up to such a plan: “We are prepared to look at anything that can work, at the [...]
February 8, 2023

Teachers’ Union “to fight to bitter end” for outstanding collective bargaining agreement

The sticking point, known as Proposal 22, is final payments for secondary school teachers, whom President Elena Smith said do much the same work as those [...]
February 8, 2023

Prime Minister responds to unions: Increments are on the table, but reform is needed

Speaking to reporters earlier today, he announced that his deputy Cordel Hyde, who leads the Government’s negotiating team, is scheduling a meeting with the Joint Union [...]
February 7, 2023

Joint Unions: Restore increments by April 1 – or else!

They insist that they have seen no evidence to suggest anything that would stop increments from being restored as part of the forthcoming budget, that is, [...]
February 6, 2023

After triumph in Belmopan UDP convention, John Saldivar thanks supporters and vows to represent the people

In his victory speech, Saldivar expressed his gratitude to the people of Belmopan and his supporters who helped bring voters to the polls. He said, “From [...]
February 6, 2023

Telemedia on the hook for more than 400 thousand dollars to 15 former employees

High Court Justice Sonya Young issued her decision on January 4, ruling for the ex-employees for a combined sum of $409,919.04 along with six percent interest [...]
February 6, 2023

New Mexico Ambassador to CARICOM promises to be “reliable partner” as fifth Summit planned

Their discussions included plans for a Fifth Summit between CARICOM and Mexico as re-engagement with the Caribbean was among his Government’s priorities, the Ambassador noted.
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