September 26, 2022

Ministry of Economic Development and University of Belize Collaborate on Agriculture Scientific Research Project

The purpose of the visit was to view the progress of a joint research project involving tomato production using covered structures. The tour was conducted by [...]
September 26, 2022

Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation to Participate in the 41st Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. [...]
September 26, 2022

PM Briceno addresses the United Nations: “The world is suffering from the three C’s: COVID, Climate, and Conflict”

Briceno took to the podium on Friday, September 23, stressing that he was far more pessimistic this year than he was at the last assembly because [...]
September 26, 2022

Prime Minister John Briceño leads delegation to OAS Headquarters in Washington DC

According to the Government of Belize, PM Briceño took the opportunity to address the OAS on matters including climate financing, migration of illegal immigrants, the case [...]
September 26, 2022

P.M. Briceno meets with U.S. Secretary of State

Their discussions were focused on progress being made by the U.S. Government on climate, energy, food security, and finance, which were all areas of concern highlighted [...]
September 25, 2022

New date to be agreed for Belize visit by President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame

On the sidelines of this week’s United Nations General Assembly in New York, President Kagame met with Prime Minister John Briceño. Both leaders instructed their respective [...]
September 25, 2022

Leader of the Opposition Moses “Shyne” Barrow: “Belize has become extremely unsafe”

Expanding on his recent Independence Day address, Barrow reiterated that "Belize has become extremely unsafe despite citizen security being a key promise of the PUP," and [...]
September 24, 2022

John Saldivar warns Patrick Faber over de-selection as Collet standard bearer: ‘If you can’t serve with Shyne, walk away’

Saldivar writes on social media that "a vast majority of our party officials are in support of this decision of the [Nominating] Committee" and that it [...]
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