February 11, 2022

Multi-million-dollar lawsuit accuses stevedores, Christian Workers’ Union of carrying out “illegal strike”

The Port’s CEO Andy Lane claims against the Union, recognized and registered under section 13 of the Trade Unions and Employer’s Organizations (Registration, Recognition, and Status) [...]
February 11, 2022

Public officers trained in first response

Officers in the Ministry of Health and Wellness; the Department of Transport, Municipal Traffic Department, and Island Emergency Services met at the BELTRAIDE compound, Belize City [...]
February 11, 2022

Mayor Sharon Palacio heads to Ghana; working on sister city relationship with Accra, Ghana’s capital

In an exclusive interview with Breaking Belize News (BBN), Mayor Palacio indicated that Mayor Sackey and her are working on strengthening ties between the two municipalities [...]
February 11, 2022

Shyne submits his letter of interest, UDP leadership race now officially between him and Tracy Taegar-Panton

Barrow sent his letter to Party Chairman Michael Peyrefitte, earlier today, officially making the race for leadership between him and Albert Division Area Representative Tracy Taegar-Panton, [...]
February 11, 2022

Tracy Taegar Panton makes bid for leadership official

Taeger Panton expressed her interest via letter to Party Chairman Michael Peyrefitte. Peyrefitte said earlier this week that today would be the final day for those [...]
February 11, 2022

Ministry of Health and Wellness lists authorized COVID testing sites; warns against unauthorized sites

Persons contravening the regulation risk a fine of $5,000.
February 11, 2022

Belize participates in Taiwan’s Lantern Festival

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Belize has a booth at Taiwan’s Lantern Festival to promote Belizean products.
February 11, 2022

San José Succotz cooperative producing good quality sweet peppers, says Ministry of Agriculture

Pook was part of a group of personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture’s Cooperative and Extension Departments that on Thursday visited cooperative farms in the San [...]
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