January 20, 2022

New Minister of Health and his CEO visit Northern Regional Hospital

His latest move was to take a tour of the Northern Regional Hospital, Orange Walk, today, along with his newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Julio Sabido.
January 20, 2022

BREAKING: Police seeking Patrick Faber after assault, damage to property complaint

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams confirmed that Dr. Shanika Arnold, his fiancee, has made a report alleging damage to her laptop and assault as she tried [...]
January 20, 2022

COPA Airlines agrees to return barred migrants after meeting

Following a meeting Wednesday afternoon between Immigration Department officials led by Director Debra Baptist-Estrada and COPA Airlines representatives from Belize, Guatemala, and in Panama, in which [...]
January 20, 2022

Government of Belize congratulates Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley on sweeping election victory

"Belize conveys its congratulations to PM Mia Mottley and the BLP on their resounding victory at the polls yesterday! We have watched, with deep admiration, as [...]
January 20, 2022

Migrants on COPA flight ‘were not prisoners,’ says Immigration Minister, but they broke the law

“They were not prisoners…they were not put in jail,” Courtenay said of the detentions at Queen Street Police Station and Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center at [...]
January 20, 2022

Reconnaissance flight over major reserves finds new development in Columbia River reserve

A first aerial reconnaissance flight over the western flank of the Chiquibul-Maya Mountains area including the Vaca Forest Reserve, Caracol Archeological Monument, Chiquibul National Park, and [...]
January 20, 2022

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s Barbados Labour Party claims landslide victory in general elections

The BLP landed the overwhelming victory, despite an attempt to block the election by opposition candidate Philip Catlyn, who took the matter to court in an [...]
January 20, 2022

Prime Minister John Briceño says plans still afoot to open border on February 1

“We still hope to open it on the 1st of February, but if there’s enough evidence and reason why we should not open it, then we [...]
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