December 17, 2021

Police graduating 220 in largest recruit squad in national history

The National Police Training Academy hosts what is the largest class of recruits to pass in Belizean history, following one of the largest initial intakes in [...]
December 16, 2021

Cost of Diesel fuel going down by more than a dollar

According to the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the pump price of diesel will decrease by $1.25 from $11.70 to $10.45 per gallon as of December 17, [...]
December 16, 2021

Department of Transport tells bus operators to clear balances or suspension, non-renewal may follow

The Department of Transport said to all bus operators that “the DOT is currently reviewing and updating all operators’ files and accounts”
December 16, 2021

Belize City Council lights up overpass at Northern entrance

A few days ago, Belize City Council workmen were putting up the lights on the Dr Manuel Esquivel overpass between Pallotti High School and Save U [...]
December 16, 2021

Development Finance Corporation Act to be amended

After alleged mismanagement under the Said Musa administration, the DFC was revived under the Dean Barrow administration and serves as a crucial conduit for finance for [...]
December 16, 2021

Forest Department to establish measuring, reporting, and verification program for carbon dioxide

It will serve as the implementing and coordinating team for the government’s mandate relating to issues on carbon dioxide emissions reduction from deforestation and forest degradation, [...]
December 16, 2021

Belize to report on labour conditions

These reports, prepared after consultations with the relevant government departments, non-governmental organizations, and other agencies, give status on Belize’s compliance with the conventions relating to Forced [...]
December 16, 2021

Joe Biden nominates 2-time Olympic medalist Michelle Kwan as ambassador to Belize

Kwan, 41, tweeted that if she is confirmed by the United States Senate, she would accept: "I am honored to be nominated by President Biden to [...]
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