November 1, 2021

Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler meets with Cayo West, Cayo Caves tour guides

“Discussions addressed areas for improvement of tourism operations in Western Belize and improving the quality of the tour experience as Belize continues vigorously on its path [...]
November 1, 2021

Housing Minister says low-income housing project progressing really well

“We will soon officially announce the launching of the website to facilitate the application process,” said Espat.
October 31, 2021

Public servants demand financial transparency on Glasgow trip 

Prime Minister John Briceño, leading the delegation, has deemed the meeting “probably one of the most important meetings that we’ve had, probably in history concerning the [...]
October 31, 2021

Government extends curfew, re-opens casinos, drops immunization requirement for churches

The first of the three Cs, the curfew, is hereby extended beginning Monday, November 1, to December 1 from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily, no [...]
October 31, 2021

Bomba United Farmers’ Co-operative Society Limited is registered

On Friday the Department of Cooperatives formally registered the Bomba United Farmers’ Co-operative Society Limited. This new co-operative has transitioned from a self-regulated farmers’ ad hoc [...]
October 31, 2021

Belize’s Rossana Briceno elected Chair of regional organization

Briceno announced that she was elected to the post on Friday, noting that she is proud to serve in that capacity. Briceno, a career educator and [...]
October 30, 2021

“Sometimes you have to fight when you’re a man,” says John Saldivar; threatens to release baggage of his colleagues

According to Saldivar, what he did with Dermen is hardly scandalous: “…soliciting and receiving contributions from people with money is par for the course for ALL [...]
October 30, 2021

Dr. Armstrong Alexis is new Deputy Secretary General of CARICOM

Dr. Alexis was previously at the United Nations Development Programme where he has had a distinguished career in the Caribbean, the Pacific, and Africa rising to [...]
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