It is the first for Prime Minister John Briceño in that capacity as well as for opposite number Patrick Faber as Leader of the Opposition, having [...]
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken writes, "The United States joins the people of Belize in celebrating the accomplishments your country has achieved over the past four [...]
At a meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in Mexico City, Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021, the Latin American leaders either criticized [...]
By Dorian A. Barrow, Ph.D., Florida State University: In our National Anthem Belize is not called “The Land of the Free” for no good reason. Although [...]
“Incidentally, this year also marks 32 years of diplomatic relations between Belize and Taiwan,” said Ambassador Pitts. “I avail myself of this opportunity to thank President [...]
"It's a pleasure to introduce the Country Representative for the InterAmerican Development Bank Mr. Ramiro Ghio to Orange Walk business leaders. Allowing us to engage our [...]