August 2, 2021

UDP reschedules press event planned for tomorrow in San Ignacio after an angry letter from PUP councilors

The councilors told Trapp not to host the press conference in the San Ignacio Town Hall and threatened to "expose his political agenda" if he did [...]
August 2, 2021

PUP councilors in San Ignacio give a stern warning to Mayor Earl Trapp over the upcoming press conference

The letter was signed by councilors Zahir Figueroa, Aaron Mai, Shirlene Neal, Omar Rodrigues, and Matthew Preston, and delivered today, August 2, 2021. The councilors warned [...]
August 2, 2021

Department of Transport makes arrangements for travelers headed to Belmopan and southern Belize in absence of James Bus Line

The Transport Department issued updated schedules today with times for regular and non-stop runs headed to and from Belize City, Belmopan, Dangriga, Placencia, and Punta Gorda.
August 2, 2021

Frontline Officers at Ministry of Natural Resources get training to improve customer service skills

The ministry explained that the sessions were facilitated by the Customer Service Unit, and fell in line with its strategic priorities of improving the quality and [...]
August 1, 2021

New COVID-19 measures in effect today, curfew now 9:00 p.m.

According to Minister of Health and Wellness, Michel Chebat, the new regulations adjust curfew hours countrywide to 9 p.m. to 4 a.m.
August 1, 2021

UDP offering help to recently-terminated government workers at an upcoming press conference

UDP Party leader Patrick Fabers is scheduled to host the press conference along with San Ignacio/Santa Elena Mayor Earl Trapp Jr this Tuesday, August 3, 2021, [...]
August 1, 2021

Ministry of Health and Wellness identifies cluster of COVID-19 cases in Toledo District linked to James Bus Line

The Ministry said that, through its surveillance activities, it has identified six staff members of the bus line who have tested positive for COVID-19, and is [...]
August 1, 2021

Opposition leader Shyne Barrow on Emancipation Day: “Know who you were so you can change who you are”

As victims of "one of the most inhumane crimes against humanity ever," he wrote on social media today, "we were Pharoahs, Kings and Queens in Africa [...]
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