June 16, 2021

Abstention on OAS-Nicaragua resolution earns Belize chiding from U.S. top diplomat

That decision was met with rare public chiding from no less than charge d’affaires at the United States Embassy in Belmopan, Keith Gilges, who tweeted, “Disappointing [...]
June 16, 2021

Lands Department says surveyors must submit via digital survey portal

(A) Commencing on July 5, 2021, the Department will only accept submissions from land surveyors via the Digital Survey Jobs portal.
June 16, 2021

Minister Rodwell Ferguson visits Chalillo Dam

The Chalillo Dam is one of 3 hydroelectric power plants operated by BECOL.
June 16, 2021

Is Patrick Faber’s tenure as UDP Party leader coming to an end?

In an interview with Channel 7's Jules Vasquez, Peyrefitte said that he would not like having to recall Faber because he doesn't feel that it would [...]
June 14, 2021

PSU President says moving of the Dangriga office still a major concern

When Breaking Belize News (BBN) broke the story back in April, the heads of departments of several government offices occupying a building on Ecumenical Drive were [...]
June 11, 2021

Another Government Ministry announces changes to opening hours

The Ministry said that, effective June 14, 2021, all of the ministry’s offices countrywide will be open from Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. [...]
June 11, 2021

Vital Statistics Unit announces new business hours

The VSU said that, effective June 14, 2021, the opening hours from Monday to Thursday will be 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and on Friday from [...]
June 11, 2021
national bank of belize

Public Service Union compiling membership registry to access special loans from National Bank of Belize

In keeping with an undertaking by the Government of Belize (GOB) to offset the economic impact on public officers caused by the 10 percent salary cut [...]
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