October 19, 2020

Why polling is important leading to elections

In the US, many polls have been launched leading up to the November elections for candidates and political parties to view the public opinion of the [...]
October 16, 2020

United Democratic Party launches 2020-2025 manifesto

Paid Contribution: Gearing up for the November 11 General Elections, the United Democratic Party has launched its 2020-2025 manifesto.
October 16, 2020

World Politics Review: “Corruption and COVID-19 imperil ruling party’s re-election in Belize”

Belize’s general election is scheduled for November 11, 2020 and political parties have intensified their campaigns.
October 15, 2020

Bullet Tree Village without water due to broken main pipe

“We were later informed that some persons from the village were seen up there taking pictures and videoing,” a statement said.
October 15, 2020

BREAKING: Police may allow motorcades on Nomination Day

A meeting is scheduled with the heads of the People's United Party; United Democratic Party and Belize Progressive Party in Belize City  to gain their agreement [...]
October 15, 2020

Elections and Boundaries Department invites all political candidates to virtual meeting

The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
October 14, 2020

Date set for Prime Ministerial debate

The committee, which is comprised of representatives of the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry, RSV Media Limited, and Galen University, said that it has also [...]
October 13, 2020

Opposition questions UDP Ministers’ actions at airport amid appparent drug plane landing spree

The ten arrivals, the PUP say, were later seen being escorted by the Ministers in official vehicles to a hotel in Belize City, and then on [...]
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