August 8, 2020

Belize monitoring 112 active cases of COVID-19

32 cases are considered recovered and 2 are dead.
August 6, 2020

Government stiffens penalties for contraband and border jumping

In the first instance, six months in jail is the penalty if found jumping the border, or procuring contraband, or buying contraband from border jumpers.
August 6, 2020

US grants UNICEF, Ministries of Education and Health US $300,000 for COVID-19 prevention response

The funds address risk communication and community engagement; improving infection prevention and control, including with water, sanitation and hygiene services; providing critical hygiene supplies; and data [...]
August 6, 2020

Breaking: Supreme Court General registry sends home staff amidst suspected COVID-19 case

The notice states that a staffer may have been "exposed in a general way," and that the registry is currently closed.
August 5, 2020

The Barrow Administration has had ample time to conduct redistricting exercise, says PEACE Movement

In responding to us during his press briefing on July 31, the Prime Minister said, inter alia, that interested party in the case, Lord Michael Ashcroft, [...]
August 5, 2020

Senate meets today, State of Emergency to be extended

Leader of Government Business Godwin Hulse explained that, given that the situation which gave rise to the state of emergency persists, the government wants to extend [...]
August 4, 2020

PUP leader suspends countrywide tour due to COVID-19

But, Briceno informed on August 3, 2020 that he is suspending the tour.
August 4, 2020

Former Foreign Ministers press PM to condemn violence against Garinagu in Honduras

Former Prime Minister Said Musa; Ambassador Assad Shoman; and Senior  Counsels Eamon Courtenay, Godfrey Smith and Lisa Shoman say they were alerted by the NGC of [...]
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