For reference, the BPM noted that the Representation of the People Act, 10-(3) provides: “The Commission shall within three months of the close of a calendar [...]
Since 2015, Belize has engaged with the Green Climate Fund to improve access to international funds and to encourage investment in projects and programmes that will [...]
While many employers have made their own arrangements according to substantive Minister of Labour and Prime Minister Dean Barrow, the law is loosened to allow such [...]
Speaking to reporters this afternoon, Faber said that among the 1,200 ‘non-educators’ cited by the former Minister of Education, Francis Fonseca, are school wardens, truancy officers, [...]
The group said that it is pleased to announce that Francis Marin, who has the approval of the constituency, has been approved as a convention candidate, [...]
Dr. Perriott, formerly a faculty member of the University of Belize (UB), joined the SIB in 2012 as Deputy Director General and assumed the top post [...]