April 21, 2020

Ministry of the Environment announces new regulations for burning garbage

The Environmental Protection (Prohibition of the Open-Burning of Refuse and Other Matter) Regulations came via Statutory Instrument No. 59 of 2020 and prohibits burning of bush, [...]
April 20, 2020

Government faces continuing backlog in Unemployment Relief Program

In a press statement, Government announced it had approved nearly 33 thousand applications of more than 72 thousand submitted as at noon today. However, more than [...]
April 20, 2020

Government informs of new food pantry schedule

This schedule is organized by last name and is designed to reduce lines and comply with social distancing recommendations.
April 20, 2020

Covid-19 Implications on Education and the way forward

When will schools reopen? Guidance for the reopening of schools will come from the National Oversight Committee based on advice from health authorities. Under the circumstances, [...]
April 20, 2020

“It doesn’t come just like that:” Minister of Education says work is not done after promotion

As classes are not expected to resume before the projected end of the school year in June, and there will be no examination at school or [...]
April 20, 2020

Examinations for PSE and junior achievement (BJAT) will not be administered this academic year, CXCs canceled

Instead, said Minister of Education Patrick Faber they will be delayed to the next level for use as assessments of promoted students as an aid in [...]
April 20, 2020

MOE on teachers’ roles, promotion and graduation during COVID-19 induced shutdown

Their roles are key and appreciated, such as ensuring the Ministry's plans are followed and engaging in their own professional development.
April 20, 2020

Minister of Education: ‘Can’t guarantee classes resume by June’

The Ministry says it will support home-based and distance learning in conjunction with its various partners, and upload 2-week plans for lessons on its website for [...]
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