February 13, 2020

PUP calls for massive demonstration

PUP Leader, John Briceño ended the conference with a passionate call on all Belizeans to unite for a massive demonstration. The call was met with cheers [...]
February 13, 2020

Johnny Briceno to Belizeans: New PUP Government will implement UNCAC and campaign finance legislation

PUP Party Leader, John Briceno informed the nation this morning that a new PUP government will implement fully the United Nations Convention on Corruption and enact [...]
February 13, 2020

Opposition leader proposes new policy measures to hinder corruption

Briceño spoke extensively on apparent and evident corruption in government and said the time is now to make a change.
February 13, 2020

PUP Chairman to PM Barrow: Call elections now!

PUP Chairman, Henry Charles Usher began the conference by saying that what has occurred inside of the UDP is another ‘hoax’.
February 13, 2020

Minister of Lands non-committal on reports of caye lands sold to UDP convention delegates

He said simply, "I dont know ma'am, I really don't know."
February 12, 2020

“Prime Minister’s response to Saldivar saga is insulting,” says John Briceño

Briceño says that he has a pre-recorded statement that will be released shortly but that his initial reaction to the decision was to feel insulted.
February 12, 2020
dean barrow pm of belize

Prime Minister Dean Barrow: John Saldivar resigns as UDP Leader elect and suspended indefinitely as Minister of National Security

Like all Belizeans, the Office of the Prime Minister has been closely following developments in the Salt Lake City trial of accused U.S. fraudster Lev Dermen. [...]
February 12, 2020

Caribbean Development Bank predicts regional comeback after sluggish 2019

The CDB takes this opportunity to discuss trends that they've noticed emerging over the last few months within the economies of the region. They often share [...]
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