October 18, 2019

Government of Belize hosts Belize -Taiwan agriculture investment mission

The mission, which will include delegates visiting from both Taiwan and the Taiwanese Community in North America, is scheduled to take place from October 20 to [...]
October 18, 2019
dean barrow pm of belize

Prime Minister says Joshua Perdomo must repay but debt legally uncollectible

Barrow concludes that, "...while Joshua Perdomo is, I believe, beyond the reach of the law, he is not beyond reach of his own conscience. He has [...]
October 17, 2019

PUP threaten legal action over Joshua Perdomo write-off

Perdomo, son of the Cabinet Secretary Carlos Perdomo, went to study in 2011 and failed to return to Belize under his agreement with the Government.
October 16, 2019

Speaker rebuffs Opposition Leader’s appeal over write-offs

She ruled that under Standing Order 23 (3), debate on each motion, including the controversial Joshua Perdomo motion for write-off of more than $40,000 owed in [...]
October 16, 2019

Belize represented at 5th meeting of the executive commission of Mesoamerica and the First Mesoamerica cooperation forum

During the meeting, held in the Dominican Republic from October 14 to 15, Andrews underscored the relevance of south-south and triangular cooperation for integration and development [...]
October 11, 2019

Belize attends High-Level Segment on Statelessness and 70th Session of the Executive Commission of the High Commissioner’s Programme

Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Patrick Andrews headed Belize’s delegation to the events.
October 10, 2019

San Ignacio and Santa Elena Mayor attends Florida’s International Trade and Cultural Expo

This opportunity was made possible by the Belize American Chamber of Commerce in Florida.
October 10, 2019

A.G. says write-off motion still valid; Senator corrects him

While it is procedural that all motions and bills come from the House to the Senate, under the Finance Orders, the House’s approval of a motion [...]
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