July 12, 2019

U.S. Embassy Belize cautions against making accusations based on filings

The Embassy says that it is aware of the recent public release of documents related to a court filing by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in [...]
July 12, 2019

National security minister continues countrywide tour

Saldivar concluded his southern tour yesterday morning following an overnight stay at Cadenas Military base currently being manned by F Company.
July 12, 2019

Meetings hosted for Mesoamerica Network for Integral Risk Management  

The platform of the RMGIR is a virtual tool which makes available to governments, institutions and related actors the information products generated for the identification of [...]
July 11, 2019

Government cautions against Dealing with Trust Lands in San Jose Palmar

Pursuant to the terms of the trust, the Government of Belize is entrusted with the power to dispose of the trust lands in accordance with the [...]
July 11, 2019

Attention Belizean Drivers: Heavy bridge beams to be transported on George Price Highway this weekend

By BBN Staff: Today, M&M Engineering Consultants Ltd and the Ministry of Works issued a caution to the public that they will be transporting extremely long [...]
July 11, 2019

PUP promises bombshells in Sanctuary Bay affair next week

In a statement issued late yesterday evening, he dismisses the PM's press conference as “damage control,” saying he has done nor said anything that refutes involvement [...]
July 11, 2019

PM says BTL does not owe GST

“BTL files and pays its GST,” Barrow said. "Now, obviously, some issue has arisen as to whether there is any GST liability pertaining to some intra-company [...]
July 10, 2019

PM sets record straight on AIBL

Barrow said the parts of the FTC document, which indicated he had met with Sanctuary Bay’s primary architect, Pukke, in 2014 were totally false. He added, [...]
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