For the first time in some time, negotiations which concluded late tonight at the Yo Creek Agricultural Station featured representatives of both BSCFA and BSI/ASR face [...]
According to Vice-chairman Alfredo Ortega, the Association wants the P.M. to convince BSI/ASR not to limit the economic analysis on the terminal shipping charges shared by [...]
Again the holdup according to the BSCFA is changed language offered by Belize Sugar Industries Limited/American Sugar Refining (BSI/ASR) seeking to narrow the role of Hugh [...]
Sometime between January 7 and 8, 2013, Keino Quallo, Albert Fuentes, Anthony Perez and Leonard Myers were viciously murdered at their shared residence at the corner [...]
In an urgent notice the BSCFA writes, "The contract with BSI has not yet been signed for reasons that BSI [Belize Sugar Industries Limited] has made [...]
Appointed by Minister of Home Affairs Kareem Musa are new CEO in the Ministry Sharole Carr-Saldivar; Magistrate Mannon Dennison; and Senior Superintendent of Police Clement Cacho.
The BSCFA leadership is currently reporting to members the results of today's negotiations, which are as follows: first, a two-year commercial agreement, with no extension beyond [...]