July 17, 2014

Dissension in the ranks at Ariel Rosado Foundation

Thursday, July 17, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: The Ariel Rosado Memorial Education Foundation is confronting a break with key founders Bruce Sanchez Sr. and Jr., who [...]
July 16, 2014

Ariel Rosado Foundation gives scholarships

Wednesday, July 16, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: In memory of a life cut off before reaching full potential, the Ariel Rosado Memorial Education Foundation was established [...]
July 16, 2014

Sprinter Kaina Martinez gets ready for Commonwealth Games

Wednesday, July 16, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: Former Central American sprinting champion and Olympian Kaina Martinez is getting ready for the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, [...]
July 16, 2014

Corozal taxi operators complain of unfair treatment at the border

Wednesday, July 16, 2014. DEVON YOUNG Reporting: Taxi drivers in the Corozal district who operate from the area in front of the Casinos at the Belize-Mexico [...]
July 16, 2014

Belizeans represented in International Darts competitions

Wednesday, July 16, 2014. ORANGE WALK BUREAU Reporting: The 20th Caribbean Cup and 7th Americas Cup Dart Tournament got off to a roaring start on July [...]
July 16, 2014

Government undertakes families relocation project in rural Toledo

Wednesday, July 16, 2014. JUAN CAAL Reporting: The government of Belize through the Rural Development Department is assisting residents of Jordan village in the Toledo district [...]
July 15, 2014

Garifuna Collective back from European tour

Tuesday, July 15, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: The men and women of the Garifuna Collective have come back home from their latest international tour.
July 15, 2014

Road Safety Curriculum tested with teachers

Tuesday, July 15, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: Traffic accidents have become a fact of life in Belize, with so many vehicles, so few public roads and [...]
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