“The Institute appreciates the patience and understanding of its stakeholders, including the media, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academia, and the general public,” SIB noted.
As described by attorney Darrell Bradley, the Commission and its members are facilitators of the extended discussion surrounding both popular will and technical imports which Parliament [...]
PM Briceño noted that from Taiwanese proceeds, $21 million will be prioritized for urban infrastructure development while another $7 million dollars will be utilized of other [...]
Far more than a conventional marketplace, the Oxmul Farmers Market aims to be a tribute to the area's agricultural richness. Local farmers and vendors will present [...]
The fire affected 7 classrooms and office spaces, and jeopardised the education of about 200 primary level students of St Matthew's village and neighbouring communities.
The Belize Amnesty Program, was launched in August 2022, is a way to regularize the legal status immigrants who have resided in the country for a [...]