While in Belize, Dr. Zonderman will conduct site visits and research at archaeological sites across the country. In addition, he will meet with various Belizean stakeholders [...]
As early as February, Villanueva told reporters here on Saturday, the Lobster Fest Committee wasn’t sure the event would proceed with COVID-19 and related economic issues. [...]
Representing Belize at the forum was the Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, Dr. Leroy Almendarez, who remarks that "Resilience is key for long-term sustainability and Belize is [...]
On Thursday, there was an inauguration ceremony for the Taiwan-Belize Mandarin Program in Belmopan with the participation of Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize David Kuan-Chou Chien and, [...]
To apply for the senior mechanic technician position, the applicant should have ten years of experience, must have all CET Certificates, and be 30 years or [...]