February 1, 2022

PAHO launches campaign on the importance of newborn care during the first 28 days of life

The Latin American Center for Perinatology (CLAP in Spanish), part of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), believes this is preventable and reversible. Today it launched [...]
February 1, 2022

Caribbean Rum Boyz routed the Calcutta Bulls 7-1 in Orange Walk

The other match played on Sunday at the Louisiana Government School football field ended in a 0-0 draw between Orange Walk subchamps Guinea Grass and the [...]
February 1, 2022

Dangriga Town Council backpedals on decision to eradicate stray dogs and cats after public outcry

The eradication was to be held on Thursday and Friday, in collaboration with the Public Health Department however, the council issued a follow-up statement saying: "The [...]
February 1, 2022

Coach David Pérez makes five changes to Belize’s lineup for Tuesday night’s game against Nicaragua

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Coach David Pérez Asensio makes five changes to Belize’s lineup for Tuesday night’s game against Nicaragua.
February 1, 2022

Breaking: Despite ‘serious shortcomings’ in Caribbean Court of Justice case against Trinidad & Tobago, Belize brown sugar gets favorable ruling

However, it ruled that Trinidad and Tobago had not deliberately breached the RTC by allowing brown sugar from Guatemala and Honduras to enter its market without [...]
February 1, 2022

Minister of Indigenous People’s Affairs reiterates commitment to resolving Maya land rights issue

A roadmap for such implementation was to be delivered to the court on Monday. Commissioner of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Gregory Ch’oc, pointed out that this was [...]
February 1, 2022

Consent versus consultation and the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) Protocol – where is the line?

He considers the finished product a definite upgrade on the document made in 2018 which they got on taking office, but there was a lack of [...]
February 1, 2022

501 Valvoline’s Brandon Cattouse wins Masters Category in Cycling Federation of Belize’s Race 1

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: 501 Valvoline’s Brandon Cattouse won the Masters Category in the Cycling Federation of Belize’s (CFB) Race 1 in Cayo on Sunday, January [...]
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