Carlos Perrera, President, and Chairman of the Southern Wellness Dialysis Clinic signed along with Sidney Arzu, representing the Los Angeles-based Belizean Wellness Foundation signed the MOU [...]
This additional funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for Central America and Mexico to more than $331 million for Fiscal Year 2021 (all figures U.S. [...]
Manager Carson Shocklee handed over the MS Dell Optiplex system to Officer Commanding Superintendent Francisco Ack, supported by various island officials.
“To be effective, vaccine campaigns must also be designed around the unique needs of the population,” said Etienne, citing Belize’s move to vaccinate in public spaces, [...]
With that objective in mind, 150 education stakeholders from across CARICOM held a virtual forum titled Quality Teaching and Learning: Conclave of Best Practices in CARICOM Member [...]