“I would support any effort on the Government’s part to lay out an agenda for citizens understanding in relation to the appropriateness of the use of [...]
The government is paying half the acquisition costs of the land valued at US$72 million, and endowment costs cover the subsequent running management costs to be [...]
Not anymore, as according to the National AIDS Commission, Belize is making preparations to launch HIV self-testing during its new Global Fund grant cycle.
Minister Musa described the strategy as a multi-sectorial and multi-ministerial approach that cannot depend on the State of Emergency as its primary weapon. "The beginning and [...]
Started more than a decade ago on Dunn Street, King's Park, it fed hundreds of children daily during the school year on the strength of fundraising [...]
To better prepare the students before they travel to Taiwan at the end of September, the Taiwan Embassy on Saturday morning held an orientation at which [...]