September 10, 2021

Darrell Bradley: ‘National dialogue needed on relationship between law enforcement and citizens’

“I would support any effort on the Government’s part to lay out an agenda for citizens understanding in relation to the appropriateness of the use of [...]
September 9, 2021

Chris Coye says value of TNC/ReWild/Belize Maya Forest deal is ‘carbon credit’

Simply, carbon credit or set-off is the value of each forest tree as a producer of carbon dioxide if it is cut down for logging or [...]
September 8, 2021

Senator Chris Coye on Superbond-TNC deal: ‘We went from a weak deal to a better deal’

The government is paying half the acquisition costs of the land valued at US$72 million, and endowment costs cover the subsequent running management costs to be [...]
September 7, 2021

National AIDS Commission announces plans for self-testing of patients

Not anymore, as according to the National AIDS Commission, Belize is making preparations to launch HIV self-testing during its new Global Fund grant cycle.
September 6, 2021

Police Minister Kareem Musa says financiers of gangs to be targeted by the Financial Intelligence Unit

Minister Musa described the strategy as a multi-sectorial and multi-ministerial approach that cannot depend on the State of Emergency as its primary weapon. "The beginning and [...]
September 6, 2021

Dara’s Feeding Program on ice: ‘I can’t be a hero,’ says Joel Robinson

Started more than a decade ago on Dunn Street, King's Park, it fed hundreds of children daily during the school year on the strength of fundraising [...]
September 6, 2021

Joel ‘Dara’ Robinson pleads for assistance to fix broken up road to farm

This evening Joel "Dara" Robinson reached out with an urgent plea to get authorities to try to address his access to his remote farmland in the [...]
August 28, 2021

Taiwan Embassy holds orientation for 51 Belizeans receiving Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICDF scholarships

To better prepare the students before they travel to Taiwan at the end of September, the Taiwan Embassy on Saturday morning held an orientation at which [...]
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