First, it issued a warning over the departure (described as “abrupt firing”) of Central Bank Governor Manuel Vasquez, that if it is as Vasquez charged that [...]
The organization, which is currently housing and feeding 14 adult dogs, 17 puppies, 17 adult cats, and 18 kittens: a total of 66 animals, will be [...]
The MAFSE delegation was led by Chief Agriculture Officer Andrew Harrison and Research Director Ina Sánchez according to a Facebook post by Minister Jose Abelardo Mai [...]
“We all know how COVID-19 has affected us economically socially so this is more an upliftment, trying to help those who have an innovative idea,” said [...]
“As Garinagu and Belizeans, we must continue to ensure that we protect each other as we battle and adjust to the restrictions brought upon us due [...]
Collected during her travels with the Caribbean Development Bank and in Government, the University says they "represent the scope and breadth of (her) scholarship and interest...a [...]