August 27, 2019

500 high school students receive school bags in Mesopotamia from Shyne Barrow

Five hundred high school students were gifted with the schoolbags through the Mesopotamia Human & Social Development Foundation chaired by Barrow & his wife.
August 26, 2019

Group Hug’s backpack drive assists 265 students

This year, the Group partnered with all the Primary Schools in Hattieville, and then for Belize City, the Muslim Community School and St. Martin's de Porres [...]
August 26, 2019

Russian oil company starts trading Venezuelan oil to help offset U.S. Sanctions

Rosneft's shipping of oil to buyers in China and India has helped to offset the loss of traditional dealers who are avoiding doing business with Venezuela [...]
August 26, 2019

High School students welcomed for new school year

Thousands of students across Belize are heading to high school in their neatly pressed uniforms ready to learn.
August 26, 2019

Taiwan ICDF and IICA strengthen agricultural cooperation in the Caribbean

The agreement will foster cooperation in matters related to technology and inter-institutional management. It will also seek to accelerate the improvement of agriculture, agro-processing and rural [...]
August 23, 2019

Friends of the New River Belize needs your help!

The organization is hoping to accumulate 2,000 signatures from concerned persons int the Orange Walk and Corozal districts, and present it to the Department of the [...]
August 23, 2019

11 outstanding Belizean Youth  and 1 mentor to participate in Youth Ambassador Program

August 23, 2019

US Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs to visit Belize and Honduras

Risch will visit the 2 countries between August 26-30.
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