September 4, 2019

Police investigating 3 separate traffic accidents within hours in Belize City

The first one occurred just after 10am on Central American Boulevard.
September 4, 2019

Rafael Usher dies 34 days after being shot multiple times

Usher had been hospitalized since the night of July 31, 2019 when he was shot multiple times.
September 4, 2019

Coast Guard officer charged for aggravated assault

On Monday, September 2, 2019, Orellana reportedly visited the home of Christina Teul in San Martin, Belmopan.
September 3, 2019

Bartolo Shish charged for forcible abduction of minor

Shish is accused of abducting a minor on August 23, 2019 as she was walking along the Welcome Center in San Ignacio Town.
September 3, 2019

Fisherman charged for June stabbing 

Gill appeared before Senior Magistrate Aretha Ford where he was read three counts, one count of attempted murder, one count of use of deadly means of [...]
September 3, 2019

Defense to begin submissions in Danny Mason trial on Wednesday 

Neither Illiana Swift who represents Terrence Fernandez, nor Dexter Todd who represents Mason were present, and Vanegas’ counsel Norman Rodriguez indicated to the court he would [...]
September 3, 2019

Vehicle neither bought nor sold, but money taken by former cop, couple alleges 

But a former officer of the law is accused of making off with the funds he was entrusted with to buy a vehicle for a couple [...]
September 3, 2019

Police looking for Cayo man who allegedly kidnapped minor

The incident occured on Friday, August 23 near the Welcome Center in San Ignacio Town.
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