He appeared in the High Court on Monday before Justice Candace Nanton. He is accused of raping the 15-year-old in June 2019. The incident wasn’t reported [...]
The footage reveals a chilling scene: an unsuspecting female pedestrian is walking along Barrack Road when suddenly, a figure, identified as a young male, is seen [...]
The deadly outburst occurred in the pre-dawn hours at a residence in Far Rockaway, a coastal neighborhood in Queens. The Associated Press reported that the incident [...]
On Friday, December 1, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., police conducted a joint operation within the Santiago Juan Layout area and Bradley ’s Bank, Santa [...]
The store owner reported four dark complexioned male persons arrived on two different motorcycles. One was wearing a mask; one was wearing a helmet and the [...]
According to police, Castillo appeared on Friday in the San Ignacio Magistrate’s Court on a charge of escape from lawful custody, to which he pleaded guilty.