According to police they were patrol in the vicinity of St. Joseph Street and Baymen Avenue when they saw Chavez allegedly turn off St. Joseph right [...]
The law says that conch must be over 3 ounces in weight to be sold. A fisheries officer visited National Fishermen Producers Cooperative Society on Angel [...]
As we’ve previously reported, a Belizean Business analyst for the Treasury Department, and the Government of Belize, reported that on January 28th, of this year $225,296.97 [...]
According to reports, the bust was made about 12 miles behind the August Pine Ridge Village on the Rio Hondo River. Custom officials say they saw [...]
45 year old Keith Barrow and 18 year old Jim Ramirez pleaded guilty to illegal possession of lobster during the closed season, engaging in commercial fishing [...]
Rhaburn and Singh were busted yesterday. The police, members of the GSU, acting on the strength of a search warrant, went to Brian Mechanic Shop and [...]