March 17, 2023

Can $97 million effectively police Belize? Minister of Home Affairs discusses challenges including tourist security and interdicting drug planes

But this week, Minister Kareem Musa outlined the priorities under the heading of citizen security: “I think Cabinet has realized that there is a lot of [...]
March 17, 2023

Major crimes are up slightly for January; burglaries of concern

These consisted of 41 burglaries; ten robberies and thefts each; four murders; three rapes and two incidents of unlawful sexual intercourse. The major increases were in [...]
March 16, 2023

Police charge man for murder of Freddy Chicas

Alford is accused of the murder of Freddy Chicas, a 21-year-old, of Spanish Town, West Lake, Belize District who was reported missing on Thursday, March 9, [...]
March 16, 2023

Trial Farm villager shot three times, survives attack

Police say that Allen was fixing a tire on his vehicle, which was parked on Nightingale Street around 8:15 p.m. when two men on a scooter [...]
March 15, 2023

Byron Tillett refused to give police a sample to check his blood alcohol after Yo Creek traffic accident that killed four people

The Belize Police Department issued the official charges for 35-year-old Byron Tillett, which included four counts of manslaughter by negligence, four counts of causing death by [...]
March 15, 2023

Police officer charged for shooting at family home

According to Police, Officer Jarrell Young of Roaring Creek, Cayo District, was in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend when the homeowner, identified as Isiah Logan, [...]
March 15, 2023

“Lаddіе’ѕ Lаw:” Family of Laddie Gillett continues to seek support on legislation governing police engagement

A рrороѕеd piece of lеgіѕlаtіоn іntеndѕ tо сrеаtе а рrіvаtе сіtіzеn’ѕ rеvіеw bоаrd tо ехаmіnе аnd rероrt оn іnѕtаnсеѕ оf mіnоrѕ bеіng hurt оr kіllеd bу [...]
March 15, 2023

Businessman shoots bartender after allegedly being stabbed by bartender in Placencia

According to police, while waiting for his staff to close Rick’s Café along the Placencia Main Road, owner Richard Labonte, 54, an American, along with friends [...]
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