April 7, 2022

Burglar claims he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol when he stole $500 cash from a shop; Gets two years in prison

Mark Longsworth appeared unrepresented in the Belize City Magistrate's Court today, accused of fitting himself through a window at W-Zero Shop on Western Avenue and stealing [...]
April 7, 2022

Seine Bight man charged with murder of Mexican national, pleads guilty to manslaughter

Guiffaro appeared in the Punta Gorda session of the Supreme Court yesterday before Justice Antionette Moore, where he pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
April 7, 2022

Robbers take cash and cellphone from delivery man in Belize City

The delivery man told police that he was in the company vehicle while his coworker was inside a yard making the delivery when two men approached [...]
April 7, 2022

Hubert Baptist, charged for gang affiliation in social media video, remanded to prison for violating bail conditions

The court had initially granted Baptist bail in the sum of $15,000 plus 3 sureties of $5,000 each with several conditions, which included that he should [...]
April 6, 2022

Man caught burglarizing his niece’s home; She drops charges in court

When Alvaro Avilez appeared in the Magistrate's Court on a charge of burglary, he pleaded not guilty.
April 6, 2022

Woman arraigned for scamming people on Facebook found to be wanted in Belmopan for the same offense; Remanded to prison

Geraldine Castillo was arraigned in the Belize City Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, charged with a single count of obtaining property by deception.
April 6, 2022

Drunken man carrying firearm found damaging his father’s vehicle; Refused to give police a urine sample

Omar Angel Avelar was arraigned in the Belize City Magistrate's Court on Tuesday where he was read four charges, one count each of driving a motor [...]
April 6, 2022

BDF unsure why Private Raheem Williams acted so violently in brutal murder of civilian

Today, Deputy Commander of the BDF Lieutenant Colonel Brandon Garcia, said that Williams, like every other member of the force, passed through rigorous screening before joining [...]
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