March 30, 2021

Esperanza store robbed at gunpoint

Reports are that sometime after 11:00 a.m. two men arrived at the store on a motorcycle and entered as is to buy. One of them then [...]
March 29, 2021

Belize City woman shot in yard; police chasing clues

The woman told police that she was in a yard on New Road, Belize City, on Friday when she was shot once to the right arm. [...]
March 29, 2021

Who shot Kevaughn Morris, 21?

Police confirmed today that Morris was marked for death by a gunman who shot him multiple times as he sat on the fence inside the Wilton [...]
March 29, 2021

Police seek two suspects in attempted murder case

Danilo de la Rosa was socializing at the home of Edwardo Perez after 9:00 p.m. on Sunday when he and Perez got into an argument. Perez [...]
March 29, 2021

Benque Viejo police officer shot during investigation

PC Felton Williams and another officer responded to a report of a shooting in the vicinity of 1C Street in Benque Viejo Town when they came [...]
March 29, 2021

Guatemalan woman charged for murder of common-law partner

According to Assistant Commissioner of Police Joseph Myvette, the head of the National Crimes Investigation Branch, authorities have established that Alvarez, a Guatemalan national, and Cantun [...]
March 28, 2021

One held for Saturday night murder in Belize City

Police say Morris and another man were sitting on the fence inside the field, facing Kraal Road when they were fired upon. Morris sustained several gunshot [...]
March 26, 2021

Murder reported in Silk Grass Village, victim reportedly stabbed 56 times in fit of rage

Officers of the Dangriga and Hopkins police formation say that cops responded to a call and found the body of 45-year-old Omar Emeliano Cantun with 56 [...]
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