Despite prior warnings from the Union, numerous teachers were dismayed to discover last week that their monthly compensation had not been deposited into their accounts as [...]
“The requirement for 120 CPD hours in just five years has been daunting for many educators. This translates to a considerable burden on teachers who already [...]
President Luke Martinez says the unions do not consider the matter a "done deal" as Prime Minister John Briceño asserted on Wednesday. This is not, he [...]
A statement from the Association under the hand of President Hubert Enriquez informed that a meeting was held on June 4 with Prime Minister John Briceño [...]
This program intends to promote the ethical recruitment of workers and enhance accountability and efficacy to improve labor migration processes and employment outcomes for migrant workers [...]
A press statement from the Public Service Union (PSU), a member of the JUNT along with the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) and Association of Public [...]