With a representative of the National Police of Haiti in Belize for the General Assembly of Chiefs and Directors of Police of Central America, Mexico, and [...]
In response, Israeli operations have cost nearly nine thousand lives, most Palestinian. The amount of explosives that have been dropped on Gaza exceeds 12,000 tons, Courtenay [...]
An expert of the Belize Defence Force searched the school after it was evacuated Tuesday morning and gave the All Clear after which classes were dismissed [...]
But it was a surprise to learn from Commissioner of Police Chester Williams during a press briefing this afternoon that both men were in Police hands [...]
Early reports suggested that the weapon was lost when a patrol group was out, but today Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Leal established to the [...]
According to Minister of Education Francis Fonseca, who presented on behalf of Attorney General Anthony Sylvestre, the bills follow the recommendations of the National Security Council [...]