January 24, 2023

Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing keeps upgrading roads in rural Toledo

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing (MIDH) is still conducting upgrading and maintenance roadworks in rural Toledo.
January 23, 2023

Four-year-old child dies after injuries sustained in traffic accident

According to Police, an unknown Hispanic man brought the child, identified as Javin Alvarez but other particulars not known, with wounds to the left side of [...]
January 23, 2023

Police say Eric Gutierrez’s hanging in San Pedro Town Police Station “difficult to stop”

In recognition of attempts to commit suicide, according to Assistant Superintendent of Police and department press officer Fitzroy Yearwood, police normally remove belts and shoelaces, the [...]
January 23, 2023

Full skeleton recovered from shallow grave in Port

The remains have since been transported to the National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) morgue pending further examination.
January 23, 2023

Footballer Deon “Pussy” Flowers died after running his motorcycle into roundabout

Police say Flowers was found inside the Westrac Roundabout at Mile 2 1/2, Philip Goldson Highway, around 2:30 a.m. a week ago today. He had suffered [...]
January 23, 2023
Eufemio Garcia

Police link previous shooting of Eufemio Garcia to weekend murder in Yo Creek

Garcia and three other persons were at the store when they were set upon by a single attacker, who shot Garcia multiple times and sent all [...]
January 23, 2023

Opposition Leader says “so much work to be done” to fulfill Medium Term Development Strategy

Not for him the “speeches of figment… far removed from the reality suffered by Belizeans today,” but “the sober and practical presentations from the CEOs which [...]
January 23, 2023

Minister of Health plans to deal with drug and medical supplies shortages

In response to our query as to what the Ministry was doing to address shortages that caused nurses and doctors to publicly complain last year, the [...]
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