January 25, 2023

Special Envoy’s Wonder Woman is Special Needs educator, Norvea Sabido

Today’s feature is on special educator, Norvea Sabido.
January 25, 2023

Ministry of Infrastructure Development working Sundaywood-Conejo Road in Toledo District

By Ruben Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) was recently working on the Sundaywood-Conejo Road as the crews continue their work in rural [...]
January 25, 2023

Two women held up in San Ignacio Town on their way home

According to the two women, they were on Trench Town Road in San Ignacio Town at about 7:30 on Monday night when the men held them [...]
January 25, 2023

Police investigating four-year-old Javin Alvarez’s death in traffic accident

Javin was with his father Desi Alvarez, who was driving a red Toyota pick-up from Valley of Peace to Roaring Creek at half past seven when [...]
January 25, 2023

Trial Farm gas station supervisor held up in robbery

According to Francisco Velasquez, supervisor of the UNO San Martin gas station, two men entered after nine in the evening. One of them pulled out a [...]
January 25, 2023

Orange Walk man abducted and assaulted by an acquaintance

According to police, 31-year-old Amir Carrillo says that at about 9 p.m., while he was at home, he heard a vehicle horn and when he went [...]
January 25, 2023

Dead fisherman identified after apparently drowning in Haulover Creek

Ramos, a fisherman, was seen swimming in the area around a quarter past two, but went down thereafter and persons had to retrieve his body from [...]
January 25, 2023

Prime Minister travels to New York for Blue Bond award

While there, the P.M. will also receive a Sovereign Restructuring Award of the Year on behalf of the Government and people of Belize.
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