January 11, 2023

Belmopan area representative announces new Police substation in Maya Mopan

According to area representative Oscar Mira, the land was identified by the Reconstruction and Development Corporation (RECONDEV), the organization that at one time managed Belmopan until [...]
January 11, 2023

Police seek help with finding Orange Walk hit-and-run driver

As detailed by Head of Police Eastern Division Senior Superintendent Hilberto Romero: “Police visited the San Estevan Road around 9:30 p.m. where a report was received [...]
January 11, 2023

Police continue investigating report of Belmopan $250,000 robbery – did it really happen?

“I can confirm that an official report was filed yesterday and police are currently investigating to verify if in fact the incident indeed happened. The persons [...]
January 11, 2023

BREAKING: Student of Belize City charged for murder of Emert Flowers

One assailant entered the residence of Flowers that night while he was speaking to a friend and shot both of them; Flowers died of his injuries [...]
January 11, 2023

Taiwan and Belize sign cooperation agreement for grant for construction of San Pedro General Hospital

Prime Minister John Briceno says that the island community has grown exponentially and the signing of the agreement brings the hospital one step closer to reality.
January 11, 2023

Commissioner of Police to Leader of the Opposition: ‘I question what [you] would regard as being successful [on crime]’

He also questioned where Leader of the Opposition Moses “Shyne” Barrow is coming from in suggesting that the effort has, in his view, failed thus far.
January 11, 2023

Jahsun Gonguez reported missing

Gonguez reportedly left home on Friday, January 6, to go sign in at a designated police station, but has not been seen or heard from since.
January 11, 2023

NGOs say they stand ready to assist with solutions to gun violence

The BNN issued a statement this week, lamenting the deaths of brothers Jon and David Ramnarace and the attempted murder of their wives. The network noted [...]
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