December 24, 2021

Traffic accident claims life of motorcyclist in San Miguel, Toledo District

Details are sketchy other than to confirm that a motorcyclist was hit by a passenger bus and the motorcyclist died on the spot.
December 24, 2021

Rumours abound but curfew on Christmas Eve and Christmas night remains 12 midnight to 4 a.m.

Statutory Instrument number 151 of 2021, the Public Health (Reform) (Prevention of the spread of infectious disease) (COVID-19) Regulations, 2021, provides among other things for a [...]
December 24, 2021
mesh namid

Could apparent murder in Seine Bight have been prevented? Police open internal investigation into officer’s absence

Assistant Superintendent of Police Fitzroy Yearwood, Communications Officer for the Belize Police Department, announced that at the order of Police Commissioner Chester Williams, there is an [...]
December 24, 2021

Toledo West Area Representative Oscar Requena distributing food packages in village in his constituency

Villagers in Toledo West have been lining up to receive the food items from Requena. The representative has also been delivering to people’s homes directly as [...]
December 24, 2021

Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing moves to repair Philip Goldson Highway near Ladyville

According to the Ministry, undercurrents of the Belize River which flows by undermined and collapsed the wall, reducing the width of the highway to 1 and [...]
December 24, 2021

Bars and nightclubs still closed, warns Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health played party pooper this morning by quoting section 16 of the COVID-19 public health regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 151, which states inter [...]
December 24, 2021

CARICOM Secretary-General Dr. Carla. N. Barnett reviews 2021 amidst COVID-19 onslaught in End of Year Message

Those words set the tone of her message which reviews the action CARICOM has taken during 2021.
December 24, 2021
mesh namid

Woman’s ex-common-law fatally stabs current boyfriend in Seine Bight

Reports are that Linda Vigil, 25, came home to find her ex-common-law husband Jorge Triminio at her home and an argument ensued. She left to go [...]
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