November 30, 2021

National Geographic names Belize as one of the best places to visit in 2022

National Geographic's recent travel piece "25 amazing journeys for 2022" feature's the top picks for destinations from the publication's global editors. The piece notes that while [...]
November 30, 2021

Eden Ramos: Victim was targeted for retaliation, says Commissioner

Ramos was on Yemeri Road in the “Backatown” section of Dangriga Town when he was approached by two men, one of whom shot him to the [...]
November 30, 2021

Boat reported stolen in Placencia

The owner of the white skiff bearing the registration number SC-1061 and the name Bad Tide Too, says that the vessel was stolen sometime between last [...]
November 29, 2021

Duo remanded to prison for robbing a woman

Nineteen-year-old, Aaron Chavez and 24-year-old, Joshua Jeremy Gillett appeared in the Belize City Magistrate's Court today on a single charge of robbery.
November 29, 2021

Ruben Cano murder: Who called him to his death?

According to Police Commissioner Chester Williams, “[On] Saturday night, Police were called to Pitter Street in Belize City. On arrival, they were told that a person [...]
November 29, 2021

Belize and Guatemala police joined hands to catch murder suspect Brian Castillo

He had tried to flee to Guatemala with his seven-year-old son, but had to leave him behind and was ultimately captured.
November 29, 2021

Police still seeking motive, suspect in Anil Asnaney murder

The gunmen were allegedly two youths on bikes who shot Anil multiple times, killing him almost instantly. His wife was grazed in her chest area.
November 29, 2021

Man released on peace bond for assault on baby-mom/co-worker during jealous alcohol-infused confrontation

Nineteen-year-old Manuel Ramos appeared unrepresented in the Belize City Magistrate's Court this morning and immediately pleaded guilty to assault. His plea came with the explanation that [...]
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