September 8, 2021

Mario Alejandro Mendez Rivera, a popular Chef in Cayo passes away

'Chef Mario' as he was locally known was the owner of Crave Restaurant in San Ignacio Town.
September 8, 2021

BREAKING: Defense attorney says client Raheem Valencio ‘composed’ as murder charge read

Valencio is remanded as typical with murder charges until November 30. Selgado says that investigators continue to prepare the case he does not expect any further [...]
September 8, 2021

Crowd gathered in front of San Ignacio Police Station awaiting charges in Jesse Escobar shooting death; arraignment moved to Belmopan

BDF privates Raheem Samuel Valencio, Ramon Alberto Alcoser and Police Constable Juan Carlos Morales were expected to face charges at the San Ignacio Magistrate’s Court today. [...]
September 8, 2021

BREAKING: BDF soldier charged with murder of fellow soldier

Despite confirmation that he too shot at Escobar, 29, officer Juan Carlos Morales is only charged with perverting the course of justice, as is the other [...]
September 8, 2021

Public Service Ministry attacked for soliciting donations to be distributed in name of Rt. Hon George Price

This is the first National Service Day for the People's United Party in Government. Late leader and National Hero Rt Hon. George Price died on September [...]
September 8, 2021

BREAKING: Trio accused in death of Jesse Escobar to be arraigned this afternoon

Police have confirmed that it will take place at 1:30 this afternoon at the Belmopan Magistrates Court.
September 8, 2021

Senator Chris Coye on Superbond-TNC deal: ‘We went from a weak deal to a better deal’

The government is paying half the acquisition costs of the land valued at US$72 million, and endowment costs cover the subsequent running management costs to be [...]
September 8, 2021

Opposition: Government ‘forced to eat vomit’ on TNC Maya Forest deal

It has been 'forced to eat its own vomit' in acknowledgment of a deal started under the UDP, which was only stopped from completion by final [...]
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