February 7, 2021

Center for Disease Control gives guidance on safely enjoying Superbowl Sunday

The CDC has recommended that virtual parties are the best way to enjoy the historic event but for those headed to an in-person gathering, the CDC [...]
February 6, 2021

Elderly man shot during search

According to reports, the officers were conducting a search in Lakeview, Belize City when Arnold intervened.
February 6, 2021

Aspiring Councillor candidate clarifies video situation

Requena says that the video circulating is  "senseless" and will not hold her down.
February 6, 2021

Public Service Commission “must go”

The new Commission, headed by Senior Counsel Oscar Sabido, has met and following the municipal election will turn its attention to re-districting of electoral divisions, now [...]
February 6, 2021

P.M. charges Public Service: “[They haven’t] done anything”

While the public servants are seemingly digging in their heels, insisting that the Government implement cost-saving measures to stave off job and salary cuts, businesses have [...]
February 6, 2021

Bail for accused drug traffickers as cocaine bust destroyed a week after plane crash landing

Police then came upon a crashed aircraft with another 23 bales of cocaine, then fished three more from the lagoon last Saturday, for a total of [...]
February 6, 2021

Kareem Musa introduces latest national crime-fighting strategy

Responding to Moses “Shyne” Barrow’s official question, Musa explained that two factors in such a strategy are the truth that criminal delinquency and socio-economic turbulence will [...]
February 5, 2021

Public Service Union expresses concern over rumors of salary cut

“The PSU thanks the Government for taking an inclusive approach in constructing the Budget and looks forward to giving meaningful input on how to assist Government [...]
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