March 24, 2021

US embassy highlights entrepreneur for the month of March, Osamni Tzib

Tzib is being highlighted as an investor in his family-owned business, A&M Honey, which was founded by Isaias Tzib in San Antonio Village back in 1990.
March 23, 2021

Haven House hosting the first of three “Denim Day” fundraisers to support domestic violence survivors this week

Dr. Shermaine Saunders, President of Haven House, explained that the activity sees participants wearing jeans to their workplace as a sign of solidarity with domestic abuse [...]
March 23, 2021

Delroy Herrera calls for ‘balance’ in Government, Union discussion

At a press conference today in Belize City, Herrera said his wife, a teacher, is his family’s main breadwinner, given that he is presently out of [...]
March 23, 2021

Unions claim Government adamant on 10 percent salary cut, Government says no decision taken yet

Earlier Breaking Belize News (BBN) spoke with a union source who noted that the Government's position on the salary cut remained, despite the counter-proposal presented by [...]
March 23, 2021

New Taiwan Ambassador to Belize appointed

Ambassador Chien succeeds Ambassador Remus Li-Kuo Chen who served as Taiwan’s ambassador to Belize since 2018.
March 23, 2021

Agriculture Ministry donates seedlings to pre-school students

The Ministry noted that the seedling donation is to promote Family Gardening.
March 23, 2021

Police officer charged with wounding escaping detainee

According to police, 26-year-old Ryan Foster, being held for theft, saw his chance when the officer guarding him took him outside to wash his hands. He [...]
March 23, 2021

Ex-whistleblower Delroy Herrera challenges trade unions, civil society

He says the unions - the Public Service Union, Belize National Teachers Union and Association of Public Senior Managers - have misrepresented the situation as a [...]
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