June 25, 2021

Police find another suspected narco plane; pilots showed exceptional skill landing in mangroves

Police Commissioner Chester Williams, explained that the department was alerted around 1:00 a.m. that an aircraft coming from South America had entered Belizean airspace. Around 1:30 [...]
June 25, 2021

New U.S. Chargé d’Affaires will be career Foreign Service Officer, Leyla Moses-Ones

BBN’s Zoila Gonzalez asked Gilges if there will be an ambassador coming to Belize soon.
June 25, 2021

Armed robbers target CS Energy in Santa Elena

Just before 10 am, Nayeli Perez Administrative assistant of CS Energy on La Loma Luz Boulevard was at work with her co worker, Jonathan Elias when [...]
June 25, 2021

Unitedville resident shot last night

Jerrington Ingram, 18, told police that he and a friend were walking when they were approached by two men.
June 25, 2021

From ‘Good mawning to Dis da fi wi chikin’, Keith takes back his Belizean experiences

Gilges close interaction with Belizeans led him to learn a few creole words including 'Good mawning' and perhaps, the most read sign in Belmopan, “Dis da [...]
June 25, 2021

Jasmine Hartin’s antics might land her back in jail

Hartin, charged with manslaughter by negligence in the shooting death of Superintendent Henry Jemmott, broke her silence by speaking with the 7News and British newspaper The [...]
June 25, 2021

United States donate Ultralow Temperature Vaccine freezer to Ministry of Health and Wellness

The ULT was donated by the U.S. Government through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
June 25, 2021

Chargé d’Affaires Kieth Gilges: “US remains supportive of Belize- Taiwan relationship”

“Other areas that we work on, obviously very supportive of Belize’s relationship with Taiwan. As something that we as fellow democracies share these values and we [...]
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