Harrison was heading from San Ignacio to Belmopan when a delivery truck belonging to KT Enterprises and loaded with imported pine lumber was heading west to [...]
The MOA said on Facebook that Minister Mai met with members of “The San Antonio Women's Cooperative was founded in 2001 to preserve and promote traditional [...]
BNTU President Elena Smith, at a virtual meeting held today, explained to teachers that since GOB has already approved the cuts in the budget, it would [...]
By Zoila Palma: In the digital age, parents, educators, and students are constantly on social media and often use it as an avenue to share personal [...]
According to Henry, the joint unions - his Public Service Union (PSU), the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU), and Association of Public Service Senior Managers (APSSM) [...]
On social media, PSU First Vice President Dean Flowers was accused of personal involvement in at least one incident, with yet unsubstantiated claims he had left [...]