Manzanero, appearing on the Government of Belize's weekly live stream Ask the Experts, said that he needed to address the issue because the question was being [...]
The CARICOM entities hosted a two-part webinar on 11 and 12 June 2020, highlighting key areas in sustainable energy design, to support candidates preparing for the [...]
A female resident of the village charges that police raided her house looking for illegal items but instead pocketed $6,000 in savings. She says she can [...]
Chen, proprietor of Chen’s Supermarket, told police he had been talking to two employees inside the store when his attention was drawn to two men who [...]
That’s what the Police Department is intending to ask after the group was released by the Belize Coast Guard after being questioned this past weekend.
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams confirmed he had been served with notice of application for judicial review to challenge the result of last week’s election of [...]