December 29, 2020

Government laying groundwork for marijuana industry in Belize

Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries Kareem Musa explained today that, GOB is planning to be transparent and accountable from the outset of the [...]
December 29, 2020
errol gomez

Murder in Dangriga over Christmas weekend

Police visited his home in the Second New Site around 5:00 a.m. Friday to find him dead on the floor with gunshot injuries.
December 29, 2020

Cayo policeman charged in weed bust in Orange Walk

Dion Bellini, 35, was found under a white Jeep Cherokee at a compound outside of Orange Walk Town. His fellow officers conducted a search and recovered [...]
December 29, 2020

Police investigating mom’s death in an apparent traffic accident

Ralph Ruiz is under investigation in the death of Cecilia Nah, whom he allegedly knocked down while attempting to avoid knocking down her two children on [...]
December 29, 2020

Public Utilities Commission welcomes new appointed commissioners

Dean Molina                           
December 29, 2020

Belizean athletes score five medals in Central American Athletic Championships

The results are as follows: Samantha Dirks won Gold in 200m; Brandon Jones won Gold in the Triple jump; Ashontie Carr won silver in 400m hurdles, another Silver in [...]
December 29, 2020

Arrest for Boxing Day attempted murder 

Police have since arrested and charged Kenyon Flores for attempted murder of Kelly and use of deadly means of harm. 
December 29, 2020

US-based magazine ranks Ambergris Caye among best islands for post-COVID travel

The recently-published article "Top 10 Truly Spectacular Islands For Post-Covid Travel," released today, puts Ambergris Caye in second place, bested only by Santorini, Greece.
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