September 17, 2020
belize progressive party

Progressive Party hosts the press to launch General Election campaign

The party is presenting its platform of reform and proper governance and is calling on its supporters to come forward and lead change.
September 17, 2020

Orange Walk Humane Society asking the public’s assistance to address grotesque act of animal cruelty

The volunteer-led organization said that they had received reports of an injured dog on Main Street. They retrieved the dog and a veterinarian determined that someone [...]
September 17, 2020

Police reclassify Victor Pratt death as murder after post-mortem examination

Pratt was found dead beside his motorbike near Mile 19 on the Old Northern Road Tuesday afternoon. He had been riding from Maskall to Sandhill.
September 16, 2020

Equal Opportunities Bill formally withdrawn

The House of Representatives Standing Order Section 63 says of Withdrawal of Bills: "A Bill may be withdrawn by leave of the House or, as the [...]
September 16, 2020

Catholic Bishop lists reasons for not supporting Equal Opportunity Bill

The Diocese then goes on to explain that they believe the Equal Opportunity Bill was rushed.
September 16, 2020

Controversy sparked over Sacred Heart College’s #Killthebill Facebook post

A short while after the churches launched their #Killthebill campaign, Sacred Heart College (SHC) in San Ignacio, Cayo, shared the #Killthebill flyer on their official school [...]
September 16, 2020

Prime Minister: Net Vasquez affair “regrettable,” but will not affect BTL reputation

“Straight arrow” Nestor Vasquez has been forced out as company chairman after being accused of multiple violations of company regulations, a matter the Prime Minister called [...]
September 16, 2020

Cyber Crime Bill introduced

However, he expected there would be widespread support for a piece of legislation he said was long overdue.
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