April 24, 2020

Family of 3 charged for unlicensed M4 assault rifle

Lavorn Hemmans, 48; Lemar Flores, 30; and Temar Hemmans, 19 were arrested on Thursday after 2:00 p.m. at their residence following a police search as part [...]
April 24, 2020

A+ restaurant robbed in Belize City

According to police, only an assortment of liquor was stolen from the establishment, amounting to a total value of $480.
April 23, 2020

Dr. Manzanero says ‘More tests for exposed health workers’ in COVID-19 Update

The office of the Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero, announced tonight that 65 persons are "under investigation" pending tests this weekend.
April 23, 2020

Friends for Conservation and Development recommend proposals to mitigate forest fires

FCD notes that forest fires are ominously visible throughout the landscape and a blanket smoke is descending over and covering the towns and villages.
April 23, 2020

Councilor Candice Pitts opens a soup kitchen in Mesop!

She recently launched a sewing factory in that constituency and yesterday she took to social media to announce that she has launched a soup kitchen in [...]
April 23, 2020

World Book and Copyright Day celebrated today, events in Belize moved online due to social distancing

The event is organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and used to promote reading, publishing, and copyright.
April 23, 2020

Business Bureau proposes heavy cuts to Public Service in economic recovery plan

The Belize Business Bureau, headed by economist Arturo Lizarraga and claiming to speak on behalf of the private sector, proposes the creation of 60 thousand new [...]
April 23, 2020

Prime Minister: Belize eases restrictions while holding steady in COVID-19 fight

However, the incumbent state of emergency proclamation which expires on April 30, will be extended once the National Assembly meets next Monday and Tuesday.
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