June 23, 2015

Protected areas managers criticize Government over bill

APAMO Chairman Anthony Hislop says the organization was officially asked in March to work through the process, but after an initial workshop in Belize City the [...]
June 23, 2015

121 Students graduate from Police GREAT Program

The Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) initiative, is an evidence-based and effective gang and violence prevention program built around school-based, law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curricula.
June 23, 2015

Accident claims life in Blackman Eddy Village

Tuesday, June 23, 2015.  BMG: 35 year old Raymond Reyes of Belmopan lost his life in a freak accident on Sunday night.
June 22, 2015

Belize City man stabbed to death in drunken fight

According to police, a group were socializing at the corner of Freetown Road and Kelly Street, next to Pilgrim's place of business, when Pilgrim and 43 [...]
June 22, 2015

Minister’s nephew charged for girlfriend’s assault

21 year old Kenworth Castro was arraigned before Chief Magistrate Ann Marie Smith and remanded until September 2 due to the nature of the alleged offenses.
June 22, 2015

Sylvio Espinoza acquitted of Carlos Espat murder

The 47 year old had apparently been beaten to death with a blunt object. After four months of investigation, police arrested and charged a Nicaraguan national, [...]
June 22, 2015

Was Ruperto Myles eviction from Santa Cruz Village racial discrimination or Maya rights being enforced?

Monday, June 22nd 2015. Chrisbert Garcia Reporting: The burning questions being asked in Toledo District right now are if the actions taken by the villagers and [...]
June 22, 2015

International Costa Maya Festival scheduled for August 6th to the 8th

Monday, June 22, 2015. BMG: Every year, the International Costa Maya Festival, one of Belize’s Biggest Festivals hosted in San Pedro Town draws thousands to the [...]
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